Enamoured with Flight

Yesterday was such a special day. I took some boys with me to the Africa Aerospace and Defence airshow. It was the first time all of these boys had witnessed an aircraft first hand. It was amazing. These boys (aged 6 - 13) face challenges many of us can't even begin to fathom. As great as their challenges, their desire to rise above it, is greater. I am eternally thankful for the memories we created together. At least 8 boys left the airshow wanting to become pilots. I have no doubt that they will vigorously pursue their dreams. From the Gripen display, to the Hawk display and mini war, they were captivated throughout. To my fellow aviation enthusiasts: Each of us have to do something to keep the passion of flight alive. If you work in the aerospace field, invite family members to your work so that they can see what you do. If you're a pilot or mechanic, bring them to the aeroplane. If you're at the airport and you see a child next to the fence watching aeroplanes, engage them in conversation about flight. A little action can go a long way to inspire kids to fly.
